I believe the only way we can actualize a state of justice is through organized means. It's critical that our organizations are strong, focused, and well-resourced. Unfortunately, because of the capitalist system many social justice and movement organizations operate within a nonprofit status as a means to access material resources. The Nonprofit Industrial Complex replicates capitalist structures which have created the conditions that many organizations in the sector aim to address. This system reinforces a scarcity mindset, competition for resources, and power-over structures.
My goal is to shift control from government and Big Philanthropy and place it in the hands of our community-rooted organizations. Leaders have to be able to action strategies informed by the assessments of those most deeply impacted by/ closest to the issues it’s missioned to address-not funder priorities. In this pursuit, two critical things must happen: organizations must have strong governing bodies and implement a collectivist grassroots fundraising strategy.
I center my core values of abundance, bravery, drive, justice, and curiosity in partnership with organizations to increase their donor contributions and skill-up their board of directors. Through praxis, I work with clients to reflect on barriers and opportunities; explore strategies best suited to their needs, and action plan to meet their goals.

I've worked with/for